Realme launched its new Narzo smartphone series in India a few days ago. Now the company is launch Realme smart TV and Smart watches. The company has announced that it will launch its first Realme smartwatch and smart TV in India on 25 May. This event will be live-streamed via Facebook and YouTube. Realme's latest online launch event will be held on May 25 at 12:30 pm.
Let’s #LeapToNext on 25th May!— Madhav @Office in action (@MadhavSheth1) May 15, 2020
With products that are Smart, Powerful & Trendy, we are on the path of becoming India’s Most Popular Tech-Lifestyle brand.
See you guys!
The company statement that the wait is over. Party with Realme to begin! We are ready to introduce other items with our family members Realme TV and Realme Watch. Realme TV will compete with Xiaomi TV, which already has several successful TV models in the country with One Plus TV.
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